Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Empire by Kasabian

Reporting back from last night, I listened to the above album for the first time in months, and it's catchy. Very catchy. Too bad I don't understand what the singer is saying in about half of the songs.

It's far from great, but there are a few really great tracks on the album, primarily Shoot the Runner, Me Plus One and Seek and Destroy. Nothing really hit me as being terrible, but almost every other song just seems to exist for no purpose other than to make the listener move... nothing wrong with that.

One plus is that the album is short and sweet, just under the 40 minute mark, which means even though there are a couple clunkers, it's still a bearable listen from start to finish.

Overall, I'd give the album a 65 out of 100... just barely making the grade, because the few great song outweight the numerous okay songs.

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